HCD is committed to partnering with healthcare professionals like you to improve the lives of your members. That’s why we’ve assembled the following resources tailored to assist you in providing optimal care.
Insurance Payer Lists
Our service area is growing every day, so if you’re not sure about your members’ coverage, check out our Insurance Payer Lists. Updated frequently by our insurance experts, these lists serve as a valuable tool.
Referral Form
Refer your members to HCD via our online order form!
Referral Portal
Log into our online portal to access member information 24/7.
Bladder Diary
Help your members manage their bladder health by providing them with our Bladder Diary. This diary will guide your members in tracking their fluid intake, urination times, and symptoms, helping you create more informed treatment plans.
Incontinence Product Guide
Easily choose the right product for your members, ensuring comfort, protection, and effective incontinence management.